Greetings folks it's been a while but then again it seems to be difficult for you to get back to where you were before the Covid Pandemic struck and of course the ludicrous ongoing war in Ukraine, that continues to prevent stability across the globe.
So as for me, where am I?
Well, Portugal has been postponed till the following year for now. Various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle were either missing or not coming together as they should. Travel following Covid is proving let's say less than straightforward with the industry struggling to re-employ people they sacked at the drop of a hat. Various systems namely the Autopilot had still to undergo testing, and the recently fitted digital radar had to be understood from somewhere other than the marina. So the decision was made.
Also, a family bereavement, for a very well lady of 97yrs, no tablets no ailments, Alex's mum stopped eating and finally went two weeks later. That was a big piece of the jigsaw that they weren't sure if it was to appear. Could've easily made it to and beyond the 100yr mark!
In the last couple of weeks, skipper headed up to Wimbledon to pick up the Skylink 6000. It was sent back having arrived damaged from not working properly as it had many bugs and a very early operating system. The important link with civilisation once out of cellular range is still to be tested, he refitted it about a week ago and then set up the cellular part for June, I think the plan is to set up a satellite link so he doesn't pay a fortune but can test it make sure it does what he wants it to for work and weather (Grib) file applications. Which means that at some point this summer we will be venturing out.
About a month ago we all headed East through the Forts outside of Portsmouth and beyond in an overcast day until the tide turned and we headed back again. Otto as its known, didn't flinch on his task hold me either on course (or heading) or when using the wind vain to the wind angle set. The first tends to mean that the trimming of sails needs to be constantly adjusted as wind direction can vary from one minute to the next, whereas sail to the wind angle means that the sails can be set and my course changes as the angle of the wind changes. Fine of your in an open sea, or if the wind angle doesn't change greatly, bit alarming if it shifts 25 degrees or so.
Heading Back to Cowes
taken by Junik another Hanse 470
Skipper did take me out more recently as he wanted to test the autopilot some more, and again it (Otto), let him hoist and lower the sails whilst facing to windward and allowed him to prepare the fenders and lines ready for berthing whilst heading in. I'm a big high-sided boat and so a solar sailor must have their wits about them and a proceedure when docking on their own. He spent some time trying to get me to come in broadside playing with the bow thruster, engine and rudder to get me to maneouvre sideways, opting in the end to reverse me in. The tide in the Medina River slows down for a couple of hours around high tide and then rushes out so never stops, so even if you have my engine at tickover to compensate for the ebbing or flooding tide, the wind then takes over and will push me depending on its strength.
I think the Skipper is planning to spend a few days on board next week, after his return from a weekend at Le Mans with his boys and then following the funeral a few weeks to get back into the groove and maybe a couple repeats later in the year.
Monies paid for the Portugal trip has been transfered to the 2023 event and so, despite a wedding been anounced by one of his friends, fingers crossed that normality returns.
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