I'm sitting on my supports, whilst my skipper busy's himself around or within, depending on what the weather happens to be. Unlike Scotland although my memory is fading fast of those times, it is a lot milder enabling my skipper to flurry about more often during these darker times. By darker I mean that daylight hours are shorter this time of the year.
Is it called the hard because that's what it is for the owners, either hard work or hard cash, whilst I sit and wait ? My skipper has been down several times since Christmas and has been working along my hull chemically cleaning the grime off my gel coat and then polishing it up. There's a few scratches and the blue stripes I have are a little oxidised but he seems quite pleased with what he's achieved so far. Although I feel a few more compounds might arrive just to bring the best back out of those. All of my stantion's have been removed and polished up, likewise with the head shower fittings even removing parts of it in the Master saloon heads to cure a slight leak.
My prop has now been put back on and just look at the difference, although this may be changed still.


Preparation, filling of pit marks on the sail drive

After, although there's still some pitting on the blades and core. My skipper found out that this size prop was a cost effective deal Yanmar made and a 20" set is more in tune with the HP the engine produces. This adds 1" overall and gives the least 1" of clearance to the underside. (the tape was put there to make the rain drip off before reaching the sail drive and washing away my skippers work.)
My Webasto oil fired heater has been removed and serviced including the fitting of a new burner, prices for the thermal sock, new exhaust and 90mm ducting have been obtained so I can see that soon I'll have a heater that, with the fitting of a new fan, will bring hot air to the master cabin, almost a first amongst Hanse yachts pre 2000 models, where they fitted a second dedicated unit.

The corroded exhaust removed and about to be replaced. The ducting is to have a thermal sock fitted to keep the heat in and a second variable speed fan is to be fitted in line, as well as an up size of ducting to to enable that hot air to continue to the Master Cabin rather than the heat sensor on the Webasto unit shutting it down early.
The AIS my skipper bought is still in his attic, keep an eye on Marine Traffic and you'll see me in land !
I've got a firm of cleaners coming, to chemically clean and Scotch guard my upholstery, I've never had it so good.

Look at the shine he achieves as he works back from the starboard bow, the cut line from grime to fine and this is without additional polishing compounds just an acrylic wax.
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