Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Fit for purpose

Since the Round the Island Race, my skipper has been back and forth, trying to resolve the issue of the screaming fan belt.  He's also been working on a number of other things too and has re-erected the wind generator and wired it back in.  So my batteries are at last getting some power despite the distinct lack of wind currently.

The new stainless steel screws obviously arrived as the back board that was removed to get at the faulty Auto Pilot in the stern locker is back on.  The heads of the old ones being chewed completely.

One of the Spinlock deck tidy's is putting up a struggle to be removed and cleaned up.  This is so the pulley wheels can be cleaned up and remove the friction that currently exists.  There's just the one bolt left refusing to budge, having drilled out one already.  Am sure this will soon be done.

Yesterday (15th July), I was moved down river to Shepard's marina, where my skipper worked until the marine electrical Engineer arrived.  Between the two of them they traced the issue with my charging down to the regulator within the alternator.  Being on shore power, meant that the Sterling Ultra Pro battery charger and condition worked hard all day, through its three cycles, putting life back in to them.  With the alternator removed a smaller one was fitted enabling me to be returned to my mooring late evening.  At least with the wind generator working my systems will at least continue to be trickle charged.

With the month of August fast approaching, I'm sure his visits will be more frequent and will start to re-stock my cupboards ready for my month at sea.