Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Holiday - or so it seems

This weather has been strange.  In Scotland it was simple it either rained or snowed hard or blew hard or it was summer.  Down south, things are very different.

The period of high winds has abated, for now at least, but I've had more water under my keel in the Medina than I've ever had before, I understood that high tide has topped the quay wall and flooded the High Steet to about 150mm.

As promised I have been moved, the wind eased on Sunday and I was moved to Shepards marina next to the Yacht Haven.  With both heaters and dehumidifier plugged in, I can at last start to dry out completely, for now at least.  The work with the Mast Gaiter tape that was applied some time ago appears to have stemmed the flow of water but with it being much warmer at the moment condensation is just getting every where and with the gales and driving rain leaving a hatch even slightly ajar isn't an option.

All the new metal work is bolted on to my deck and the guard rails wire has replaced the temporary rope.  I've even been measured up for a new piece of Teak to replace the slat that was damaged in the accident.  The second half (port side) of the ceiling in the saloon, is in the process of being removed ready for the new LED strip lighting matching that already done on the starboard side.

The small section in the port rear cabin is still off whilst my skipper scratches his head as how to stop water from dripping off of the screw or bolt ends.  The floor panel under the navigators table is back up again waiting for the new fan to be put in line along the heating duct and the remainder to be replaced with an insulated upsized duct to the master cabin, where the heat fails to reach.

Of course the wind generator needs to be put back once the frame is attached to my new pushpit, but at least the new shore powered generator my skipper installed last summer is up and humming nicely keeping the new batteries nicely topped up too.

I understand that my main sail will be off soon and sent to the cleaners, like the jib was last year, with my allotted sail numbers added.  The boom too will be removed and taken to a work shop to have some precautionary strengthening work where the Vang attaches to a plate under the boom.

So no rest for the wicked and I look forward to returning to my pontoon all ship shape.